About Donnelly Law Group.

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About Us

Expert Defence Meets Personal Support.

Since 1996, Donnelly Law Group has helped more than 15,000 people in Queensland to achieve the best possible outcome in their criminal, traffic, domestic violence and bail matters. In doing so, we have earned the respect of magistrates, judges, the police and other legal professionals all over the state. Today, we proudly offer our services state-wide from our Gold Coast and Brisbane offices.

At Donnelly Law Group, personal support and criminal defence go hand-in-hand. We get to know you through open conversation and provide practical advice on the steps you can take for a winning chance in court. This relationship gives us the insight we need to tailor your personalised defence strategy – one that leverages your case’s unique evidence and mitigating factors for the best possible outcome.

Although our practice is long-standing and reputable, we maintain our position at the forefront of the legal industry by continuing to adopt modern ideas. As a collaborative law firm, you benefit from having all of our criminal lawyers work together on your case, exploring every potential avenue of legal defence. We also invest heavily in cutting-edge legal software so that your matter moves faster whilst you enjoy a more streamlined and stress-free experience.
Contact Donnelly Law Group today and have one of the best criminal law firms in Queensland professionally prepare your defence case. Our trained support staff are ready to take your call 24/7 and one of our criminal lawyers will provide you with a free case assessment on the same day.

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Outstanding Results.
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Donnelly Law Group has built a proven track record by revolutionising the way in which criminal lawyers help clients – we personally oversee your circumstances and professionally tailor your legal strategy so that you have every advantage in the courtroom and achieve the best possible outcome.

You can have honest and confidential conversations with our lawyers about the circumstances that led to your alleged offence. We will then provide you with sensitive advice on your legal options and help you arrange any changes in your personal life that will be looked favourably upon by the courts (e.g. rehabilitation programs, driving courses, living arrangements, employment conditions, etc.).

Our expert lawyers then collaborate to analyse the evidence in your case and explore every possible avenue of legal defence. We also identify any mitigating factors and negotiate these points with police prosecutors in an attempt to have the charges downgraded or dropped altogether.

When we have finished preparing your matter, one of our specialist lawyers methodically presents your case in court. Any one piece of evidence may give rise to a legal defence and lead to your case being dismissed. But the mitigating factors we identify and the lifestyle changes we suggest act as a second line of defence to ensure the best possible outcome.

Contact Donnelly Law Group today and have one of the best criminal law firms in Queensland professionally prepare your defence case. Do not leave your future in unqualified hands.

Stress-Free Experience.

Donnelly Law Group appreciates that you are enduring one of the most stressful periods of your life. We make the legal process as easy as possible for you by providing personal and practical support throughout.

We will supply you with step-by-step guides that simplify the legal process and put your mind at ease. The package will outline the material we need from you, template guides on how to prepare that material, additional readings for your benefit and more.

Our lawyers also ensure that you are kept up to date throughout the entire legal process with regular and clear communication. Should you have any questions, we are always here to provide answers and guidance. You can reach us or our trained support staff 24/7 via text, call or email.

We will also negotiate with police prosecutors on your behalf and present your case in court to the magistrate or judge. We can also help you arrange rehabilitative programs or lifestyle changes that are looked favourably upon by the courts.

Donnelly Law Group’s personal support system directly benefits you and your case. The better prepared you are and the sooner you provide us with the material we need, the longer we can spend preparing your case and working toward the best possible outcome.

Affordable Expertise.

Most people believe that they cannot afford to hire an expert criminal or traffic lawyer. But at Donnelly Law Group, we ensure that our legal fees are affordable so that everyone can access high-quality legal representation in Queensland.

We will provide you with a fixed quote after your free initial consultation. A fixed fee ensures that you have total transparency over costs and won’t receive any surprising invoices.

Contact Donnelly Law Group today to book your free consultation and receive a fixed quote.

See our page on Legal Fees for more information on payment plans and options.

What Makes Us Unique.
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Giving Back
Community Impact.
The Smith Family

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